Sunday, April 21, 2013



[fol-oh] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.
to go or come after; move behind in the same direction.
to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to.
to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice.
to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar.

Friends. I've realized something lately.
People have an equal desire to follow, and be followed. 
I don't think that's a very good thing.

I'm amazed at the influence of Instagram, and Facebook...not to mention the other 100,000 social media sites available to us today. I myself am a fan. The way we're able to connect, and communicate's a fascinating thing. However, there are some negatives that come along with that technological miracle. I've noticed them more and more lately, and they concern me. Especially when I try to imagine what I'll have to raise my children around.

There seems to be this deep-rooted want and need to be be be accounted for. We're all in the pursuit of being self-made celebrities. Our main accomplishments being our artsy "selfies" and apathetic "hash-tags." Quantity over-rides quality as we celebrate having hundreds of "friends" and "followers" who we don't even know. Self-confidence and assurance come from an alternate reality..."I've been liked today, so clearly, I'm on cloud nine." 
We sacrifice some beautiful things granted to us here in mortality when we succumb to the strong influence of social media.

Creativity is stripped of courage.
Is it against the rules to wear, say, do, believe, want, create, admire, become something if I haven't already seen it done? If I haven't come across it through my hours of scrolling, it must be too outlandish. What a fool I'd be to go out on this limb. 
I find it sad that a fear of not receiving "likes" limits our ability to live. Can we not be content in being the only person who loves something? Are we no longer courageous enough to be original?

Genuine relationships are few-and-far-between.
Are we as honest in person, as we are in front of an electronic?  What is it about that blue haze that allows us to be bold? Real relationships take effort. They take vulnerability. Time. Selflessness. Kindness. If we flirt with the idea of a relationship through the internet, we don't have to give these things away. We can hold fast to them because they provide us protection against rejection. If we give them away, suddenly we're revealed. 
Interesting that all we want is to be seen, but the fear of truly being seen, revealed, discovered...
 it terrifies and cripples us.
How can that be?  

The inner-strength born from being a leader is lost when we're constantly looking over our shoulder. 
What happens if we're not followed? What happens if we're not liked? Would we continue walking the path we're on? Would we stick to our beliefs, hobbies, skills, and styles if they made us fall behind on the popularity charts? What means more to us...being true self, or being true to what people want to see? If it's the latter, it doesn't matter how epic a night you had, how chill your filter is, how hilarious the video is that you just shared...the satisfaction born from "followers" and "likes" will never amount to the fierce happiness that comes from standing alone. From being real. Being you. 

So. Advice to myself. And mankind, if interested:
When you find beauty in that sunset, instead of whipping out your phone to get an insta going, turn to the stranger to your left and share it with them
Have a conversation. 
Create a human connection. 
Embrace and live that moment, instead of quickly documenting it away as a memory. 
Add new friends daily that you meet on the street.
Let your idea of art inspire you. 
Let it guide you to new passions, new places, new people. That's the purpose of art anyway; it's the catalyst of human's meant to accelerate life, not stunt it by morphing everything and everyone into one trending genre. 

Have a stronger desire to lead, then to be led. 


1 [leed] Show IPA verb, led, lead·ing, noun, adjective
verb (used with object)
to go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort.
to conduct by holding and guiding.
to influence or induce; cause.
to guide in direction, course, action, opinion, etc.

Move forward. Lead and live your life. 
Don't waste it hitting the refresh button.

Besides, there's only one person we should be following anyway.
His name is Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more...please write a book. You have a way with words.
